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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EST

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egypt's opposition groups slump their demands on president morsi after night of closures reported new forced him to sneak out of the bottom door he's on the presidential palace. also washing the hands of the parts the white house moles running through its basis rather function as a terrorist organization i hadn't expected aid pledged to opposition groups. and is rolled here as they were bought see you on calls to reveal the truth about its nuclear program refusing to tell the images of atomic weapons or provide proof it doesn't.
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new song russia and around the world this is all see with me hello and welcome to the program opposition groups in nature probably should a set of demands to the country's president mohamed morsy aimed at scrapping his latest political clive's this follows a fee a standoff outside the presidential palace in cairo which reportedly falls the egyptian leader to flee the building and for more on that we're now joined live by reporter bel true who was caught up in the clutches good morning but oh nice to see you so what was happening outside the presidential palace when you were that so do you think president morsi was at real risk at that time. i mean i personally believe he was at real risk i was there in the march tenth that tens of thousands of protesters coming from various locations in cairo converging in front of the presidential palace in this suburb of cairo when they got there they were greeted by police behind barbed wire and really i mean speaking of the protesters they felt
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like they wanted to protest the walls of the presidential palace to the president not to what they said was a bunch of police so what happened is they broke through the barbed wire which obviously was met with to tear gas so quite low take us by the police who actually fled eventually and the tens of thousands of protesters continue and had their protest there in front of the walls and actually staged a sit in it is now dozens of tents the main front of the palace but after that it was very peaceful i mean i was standing with families. who were calling for change but certainly not to stampede the palace and shortly after hit this fee is confrontation opposition groups issued demands to the country's leadership so was are the main points there. well the national salvation front which is the kurdish the opposition forces that's running the sit in behind me they can see into her square they have three points they put towards president morsi yesterday the first
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one is for this contentious constitutional declaration which he sued last week which awards him sweeping powers to be rescinded the second one is the referendum on the constitution what's happened recently is of course the egypt's constitution was written very fast and passed by the president to referendum which many people see quite a bad move by the president as they believe that the assembly that wrote that. the constitution is in fact going to determine it so they're asking for this referendum which is due to take place next week to be canceled the third point is for a new constituent assembly one representative of egypt what happened was that the process of drafting the constitution the majority of electors liberals and church representatives staged a mass recount of the assembly saying that they were bullied by the islamist dominated body into writing a kind of constitution they don't like so the these forces basically are asking for these three demands yes that may it's not only ordinary people who are protesting
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against morsi as initiatives as it. it is not actually we've got quite a few. sectors of egypt which are joining the protests for example yesterday we saw a journalist striking at least fourteen newspapers and different unique t.v. channels refused to publish yesterday in protest of what they said was impingement on press freedoms and freedoms of expression in addition we have judicial strike which has been ongoing now since the constitution that duration was announced and they're saying that actually won't man the referendum several judges are saying they will not mind the referendum they won't monitor the polling stations which could cause problems for the referendum itself we have also seen supports of the president and the brotherhood his organization we saw must release on saturday organized by those in brotherhood an ultra conservative groups like the salafist.
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leader saying that he needed to do these things for stability so we're really seeing is a divided country yes and very briefly if you can hold going on in the streets of cairo right now. right now as you can see behind me i've got an ongoing sit in the hundreds sleeping in on the square in addition we've got hundreds outside the presidential palace also staging a sit in we've had mass protests around the country yesterday in the north in alexandria as well as put saeed in down south in a suit and these are expected to continue as well as unfortunately clashes between pro and anti brotherhood groups in various parts of the country as they meet conflicting protests so we spent just escalate during the day and possibly the week . cairo based journalist true thank you very much indeed. human rights activist believes the overthrow of president morsi won't see
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a result of the crisis which is being seen by many egyptians as a relapse into the country's uprising last year. it's a kind of a hard situation if there was morsi or any other candidates. this confusion has started with the military council taking over in old the constitutional declaration that came afterwards for doing work today nishan so i think it's a built up to what we have been going through since the initial uprising in generally to say even if the opposition some of the opposition i think you know but over so in him i don't think they have the general population that seems to want more stability and economic instability in one. more in the overthrew him now do we do have to go through another circle of elections again in like four months i do think that the majority of people would like to go with this option. when reaching
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for the sky that's not a bad idea to ask friends for help but sometimes even back doesn't want to report a little later on now washington is having trouble convincing it lights to the set on the trip meant for my side. and the u.k. a draft bill that could give the government time to stop people's internet activities sparks privacy concerns for the home secretary and labeling everyone opposed to terrorists and. that's coming up for you later but right now the cream of syria's rebel factions the nusra front also reports claim will be designated a terrorist organization by the united states so the hardline islamist group has been at the forefront of recent rebel victories in syria with some describing it as the most elite of all the antacid forces the group to have been behind a slew of suicide bombings and filmed executions but has avoided any serious scrutiny from foreign backers until now and while nato has promised to station
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patriot missiles in turkey at the request of a move that some have dubbed as an intimidation tactic. if there happens if you. even in the suburbs of damascus we know these are people there in future injured by islamist gangs as well and sometimes these are protected by these weapons games themselves supported by saudi arabia some by cat or logistical support by turkey buying weapons in the black market in the middle east and that's part of ukraine as we already know we have to realize the future of missiles at the border with the latest high by the usual and mean u.s. officials of chemical weapons being deployed thought of ourselves are just completely absurd hype you say that. the components the components are mixed when you already have a weapon already loaded with this components which are kept separate and then the chemical reaction itself happens inside the missile after it has being or still
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nobody is mixing any sink at the moment what we need back you late but with a certain degree of reason is that the league moving some of these chemical weapons so do you won't be captured by some of this is almost gangs in fact at beach or missile is an attack weapon is not a deterrent and also especially considering that the syrian army would never launched missiles across the border against their kit because they know they'll be attacking a nato ally and so supporting the rebels is one thing but posting style spikes in essence and wells is a not that some markets been demanding iraq search see where abound planes for weapons going so fires to quote on it to ground all possible tracts but as aussies are in a park now reports that's not a home you see as a pathetic back down. as the syrian government struggles to stay in power fighting against rebels backed by the west america is also attempting to suffocate the
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alleged weapons flying into damascus washington accuses iran of being the key arms supplier to assad forces and to stop the transfer the us is now reportedly demanding that baghdad inspect planes flying from iran over its airspace into syria and their american government unfortunately. very strong. in many other countries this is just one more amazing thing is that the american government is saying that they can control flights over countries and force. force or. by doing so the u.s. has created something of a paradox forcing iraq to prevent iran from dealing with syria by bringing up this issue of so-called weapons supplied to just another way to pressure the baghdad regime united states feels that since it invested blood and treasure in terms of
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overthrowing saddam hussein that it has the right if not the obligation to then order the internal affairs of the baghdad regime obviously. objects to this kind of approach and i daresay that the iraqi people object to that approach as well the names u.s. officials have complained that baghdad is not doing enough to cooperate with washington's demands since september iraq has only managed to allegedly inspect two iranian planes baghdad does not have an air force and grounding planes is proving too costly as they must be refueled after each check recently iraq made it clear that it is not willing to march to the beat of america's drum in an interview with the new york times iraq's minister of transportation said quote we are an independent country and our stance is clear we will search whichever plane. we want whenever we want we will not take orders i think they're expecting one else to take our most countries doing going to any sanctions or real treatment by the american
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government so. there's shock that the iraq is don't feel the same one why should the government of iraq is lost. even before the war started with the sanctions and the killing of children by lack of medicines on the way through the displaced and send them to other countries including in syria nearly one decade after saddam hussein was ousted by the us led invasion into iraq washington is pressuring a new cover of the very same country to help the leader of a different war as americans continue supporting syria's opposition in part by police in iran iraq for its all to march in lockstep with borders has created something of a middle east trying all the white house may not be able to navigate greenup or not artsy new york. while the tragedy for many this year in crisis is also proving to
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be an opportune time for those they counter state as the days agenda in cross talk coming up but he says he and chanting. problems that will go on so it feels that he has given a lot to kurdish people in the fields that kurds must be quite happy for what they have kids go to right now and they should stop asking them for any further rights or they should stop complaining about their mistreatment so people can romanticize about a larger kurdistan which includes course from you know turkey and syria and iraq and iran and so on so and people think that this is this is their right it may be it may be possible to keep the territorial integrity integrity of turkey syria and iraq is still address kurdish rights and freedoms. people in britain phase being branded terrorists of paedophiles if they refuse to allow the government to pry into their internet activities at least that's
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according to the u.k.'s home secretary after she said anyone opposed to the communications data bill fell into one of those groups boyko takes up the story. the way it would work if possed is that the police and security services would have unbridled access to your internet data by obliging mobile phone service providers and internet providers to store all that internet history your data for a year and now the government say that it's a necessary move in order to safeguard the public and to fight crime that's being organized through the internet increasingly such as that extremism and paedophile rings but civil liberties groups are up in arms about it they say it's an in and infringement of your civil rights they've called it the snoopers charter and we hit the streets of london a little bit earlier to talk to the general public about what they thought of the prospect of the government being able to snoop in on the e-mail history of their web browsing history and their social networking history let's take
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a listen to what they told us how would you feel about the police having access to internet search history not so good without my concern i think something like my concern i wouldn't mind seeing right. this. would be. i would mind but only if you are. on a very condition i think you have to have control of one area of your life or look them in one area just they have access to areas that i am secretary to reason may she's behind the draft bill and she's been lobbying it quite aggressively and some critics saying in rather a bizarre fashion actually she said in an interview with the sun criminals terrorists and paedophiles will want m.p.'s to vote against this bill whereas victims of crime police and the public will want them to vote for it and it's a question of whose side you're on now i've got nick pickles who is the director of
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civil liberties group big brother watch in the studio here with me now and then here's something to you on are all the people opposed to this legislation criminals terrorists and paedophiles. the home secretary suggests no it's politically ridiculous to say that everybody opposed this bill force in those categories there are people from every political party senior law enforcement officers technical experts so i think it was a very crude argument about what the hope everybody from the un secretary but we've got interpol saying that cyber crime is now one of the fastest growing criminal activities on the planet i mean the government's right for looking for some sort of solution to this growing problem well i'm a big thing about this but if you're looking for a needle in a haystack you don't solve the problem but i think a lot more we should have a new powers but they should be used against individuals operations what this bill proposes is that everybody in the country behavior is monitored all treated as suspects or there you have it a very quiet some virtual idea from the home office and one that might all go to
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down to well with the rest of the government we've got reports that deputy prime minister nick clegg is preparing to oppose it because of the prospect of infringement of civil rights here in the u.k. . starting with the u.k. where separatist sentiment is on the rise of the london for a referendum on whether britain should back its ties with the new groundswell of public support for a complete control from the. speaking exclusively to r.t. colombia's spot where both sides are being forced to fight for peace time they've got to stop instead their brains are militants despite. the united nations general assembly excuse me is pressing israel to reveal its nuclear arsenal israel has lashed out against the overwhelming approval of the resolution which calls for international inspectors to be allowed so examine that tomic program its foreign minister subdivided was meaningless the country also
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rejected a u. one bank conference on a new free middle east israel denies it has nuclear weapons but refuses to provide proof that. doesn't aussie's placea try to lift the veil surrounding israel's atomic program. it's a story that has all the ingredients and intrusion of a hollywood blockbuster nucleus nagging a hollywood producer and then israeli prime minister it's a story that here in tel aviv the authorities don't want to talk about but two israeli americans have put pen to paper it's probably the least best kept secret in the world on center stage is on on mulch and a hollywood producer and israeli undercover agent who is alleged to have smuggled nuclear triggers from the united states into israel a california engineer which had kelly smith says he was recruited by most in the early seventy's smith was later convicted in the united states of running an american front company to help. the story first surfaced an f.b.i.
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files released at the end of last year and in joseph goldman's tell all book confidential this was a very limited operation in fact when the mccann which is the hebrew acronym for science liaison bureau with the nablus even the mossad with unaware of its existence and only it was basically created behind the back of this with the purity of. earlier this year the f.b.i. released these documents from a seven year investigation which began in one thousand nine hundred five they show how a network of front companies connected to these weighty defense ministry smuggled nuclear triggers out of the united states to israel what's a parent in the documents is that the israeli ministry of defense would place an order for prohibited items with an israeli company called he lie trading he lie trading is where benjamin netanyahu worked and would meet with richard kelly smith . when he visited israel then they would transfer the order to an organization
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called milko in california to fulfill the order violating export control act and shipping the triggers out of the united states they called it the operation project printer all the allegations are based on smith's testimony and many have been surprised by the detail if you take a look at the documents netanyahu is definitely mentioned in the document and that's what surprised us because typically. you get two types of sensors of this type of document sometimes a block off an entire page sometimes i just block off a name in this case netanyahu his name is clearly stated in the documents in the documents it is alleged netanyahu asked mulch and the hollywood producer not to discuss the matter publicly in a written response to r.t. the israeli foreign ministry denied all allegations which is hardly a surprise as television's official position is neither to confirm nor deny
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position of nuclear arms relatively few people have overall knowledge of these ready nuclear program and there are few leaks the last time an israeli insider leaked confidential information was way back in one nine hundred eighty six nuclear technician mordechai vanunu was subsequently kidnapped by israeli agents in italy and brought back to israel to face trial convicted and served eighteen years of jail time much of it in solitary confinement and that their operation went on for many years in israel certainly a key the technology in the materials necessary to obtain the nuclear deterrence arsenal that it has today probably the fifth largest article in the world on the other side of the story aside from the leaked documents washington too is keeping quiet israeli nuclear capabilities are some of the most guarded secrets the u.s. government holds far more secrets some would argue than information it. but for the foreseeable future the book on israel's nuclear secrets is closed. israel.
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a football match that one horrifically a wrong call to read how i. play and during and now it's a game with his son and witnessing his father's beating on the field. they hit on the wrong story of alleged murder and antivirus and john mcafee takes him you see something what amalek that's up to escaping prosecution belize where his neighbor was found dead disguises disposable cell phones and other deceptions about. the news today. game flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to rule the day.
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the painstaking search for peace in colombia continues with the latest round of negotiations between the government and the rebels recommencing in one state the talks come amid the deadliest miniter raid against the armed insurgents since. the colombian president says an agreement reached by next november at the latest and has vowed to keep up military operations he declares that if the rebels desire they will be given a path into politics during an exclusive interview to see a top official says they want peace but claims they're being forced to fight for it . human how on earth are gravel some colombian officials holding talks trying to hammer out a peace deal letting america's fiercest drive also and their force attempt to put an end to the fifty years of conflict this has claimed more than half a million lives and the sole woman at the negotiating table is dutch fighter and
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yet she left her alone to join fired ten years ago to fight what she calls social justice and has become a symbol of their revolution struggle that is spoke exclusively to our t.v. in the fields t.v. interview she in the new talks launched we have not taken the arms because we wanted we have taken the arms because the colombian state and the united states imperialism have obliged us compelled us to do so that's a that's one very important thing to keep in mind. we as an armed organization have always wanted dialogue we have always wanted peace we have always asked for peace the prospects for success during the negotiations in how are not mediated by cuba and norway are fragile this saturday the colombian army launched a bombing offensive killing twenty rebels this was fired in a unilateral ceasefire and then it told me that with people being killed for their use it's unfair to blame them for
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a while to people who were in colombia want to fight for ideas different than the neo liberal ideas are killed so how is it possible to participate in politics if people who are other ideas are killed and that's the reason of the armed struggle in colombia that's the reason why we are still fighting the nettle me for it is not sponsored by the other religion american countries these by such claims from the west and also commented on scandal cost when your diary was founded by the colombian army and was made public gauge the full interview here on our t.v. and you can catch this exclusive interview later on wednesday at six thirty pm the charity. the mayor of london has adjusted the u.k. should significantly power back its ties with the. euro as a calamitous project and he called on a referendum on the role of the country in the blog robert oulds director of the british group think tank says the mare has struck
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a chord with the british people as the majority wants the u.k. out of the one central according to the opinion polls most people in britain do want the u.k. out of the european union they think the e.u. is a massive burden both in terms of tax amount of money you have to pay to the you each year and of course it regularly treat burden trade with other businesses individuals on the continent will always continue whether we're in the you whether we're out of the you remember of the european economic area britain has global trading links we don't really need to be run by brussels and the institutions of the european union telling this country what to do we're big enough to manage our own affairs the economic evidence is really pointing towards if britain were to leave the european union it would be actually help the british economy it would actually help our economy to grow and it would reduce the burden on the british taxpayer. brief look at other news from around the globe now the death toll from time food which is currently battering the philippines has climbed to over one
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hundred turns up thousands have have fled their homes as the elements rolled across southern and central areas into entire province as rescue teams are working in areas but it's fears the number of casualties will rise even more the storm is expected to move into the south china sea on state. one person is reported to have been killed and twenty wounded during violence amid a journo strike across that police used tear gas and reportedly fired live rounds at the outraged crowds about fifty protesters are believed to have been arrested the demonstrations were organized by an opposition islamic policy which is demanding the acquittal of its leaders for alleged. tens of thousands of people have been out to celebrate the king's birthday in thailand today though it's king rama the nine it's the monarch who turned eighty five is greatly of reveled in the country the ruling turn. where he's being treated for a lasting illness and preceded in a motorcade star royal palace time and retains
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a strict laws protecting the king's image with criticism of the monarch punishable by fifteen years in trade. and i will back with more of today's top stories in the next hour and now stay tuned for our special report.
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the gold fever. turned thousands into slaves. my father but also among others involved in the monsoon and since i started working in amman i stayed here. filled multinationals. to cash cows to be milked dry and missed i think that in this country gold medal logie as an environmental cost which is unacceptable you know to christmas was labeled illegal and controlled by criminals you know in order to protect our lives our families and to work in peace. most book most but we are forced to pay protection to illegal groups what price is colombia going to pay. the modest effect on r.t. .


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